Things I have been doing lately...
The last few weeks have been very full and this time has really flown by. Some things I have let fall by the wayside because of this. This blog is one, email has been another (i'm sorry and i'm working on this if i haven't got back to you yet). A few weeks are left here in Israel before I return to Croatia to share all that God has taught me. So, I don't really think life will slow down, rather go more quickly. I thought I would just attach some pictures and list things I have been up to as a attempt to summarize the last couple weeks.
1. Sifted through material removed from the Temple Mount (by Muslims making more room for an underground mosque) which were dumped into the Kidron Valley at Emek Tsurim under the supervision of a well known archaeologist.
2. Attended IBEX classes!
3. Met some awesome Christians.
4. Walked through Hezekiah's Tunnel
5. Hiked the Mount of Olives
6. Found the gravesite of Horatio Spafford (author of the well known hymn "It is Well with my Soul") in the Protestant cemetery atop Mt. Zion.
7. Taking class from Dr. Gabriel Barkay at Jerusalem University College
8. Went on a day trip with Todd Bolen and Jen Kintner to Biblical Dor, Ramot HaNadiv, and Anapolia
9. Gave Rachel Schlegel guitar lessons
10. Shared in IBEX chapel
11. Attended Jerusalem Assembly
12. Developed a love for Archaeology and reading about Archaeology

I was going to attach some pictures but it is really sssllllooowwww so this will have to do. It is a picture of me lying between the graves of Matthew William Flinders Petrie and Clarence Stanley Fischer (famous archaeologists) in the Protestant cemetery on Mt. Zion, south of the Old City of Jerusalem, overlooking the Hinnom Valley.
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