After Croatia...
Our team completed our in-country ministry to Croatia almost two weeks ago. The Lord blessed our time together, with the missionaries and Croatian nationals. This year I didn't travel back to the states with the team. It was kind of strange saying goodbye to my teamates as they left for the airport. I had been preparing myself for this but it was still strange.

Instead I am traveling on to Israel for a 3 month intensive Hebrew language study program and then returning to Croatia for about another 3 months of ministry. The harvest certainly is plentiful in the country but the workers are even fewer. The population of this Eastern European country is estimated at 4.5 million people among whom only about 1,000 are believers. That is about .0002% of the population. Many of the 1000 believers are still so young in their faith and understanding of the Scriptures.
This provokes me to pray and to want to serve there..."for the love of Christ compels us" (2 Cor 5), believing that their will be Croatians singing "Dostojan ti svi" (worhy are You) in that heavenly scene (Rev 5:9).

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